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National Hydrology Project

About The Project

National Hydrology Project(NHP) is a 100% Central Sector Scheme with total allocation of Rs 44 Crores for Kerala surface water(Kerala Irrigation Department).

Project Objectives:

     - Improve the extent, quality and accessibility of water resources information
     - Strengthen the capacity of water resources management institutions in the state.
     - Establish an effective and sound hydrologic database and information system

Project Components:
The Project has four components as follows

A. Water Resources Data Acquisition System
B. Water Resources Information System
C. Water Resources Operation and Planning
D. Institutions and Capacity Building.

Component wise Fund Allocation (As per revised PIP dated 20-01-2022):

Implementing Agency Total Allocation (Rupees in Crores) Component wise allocation (Rupees in Crores)
    A B C D
Irrigation Department (SW) Kerala 44 27.92 2.8 6.44 6.84