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No. Head of Account with Name of Schemes Budget Estimate 2023-2024
(in rupees)
1 2701-80-005-92-00-00-00-P-V Modernisation of Hydrology Information System 20,500,000
2 2701-80-005-93-00-00-00-P-V Modernisation of Design Wing 29,000,000
3 2701-80-800-92-00-00-00-P-V Dam Safety Organisation & Dam Safety Measures 1,000,000
4 4700-29-800-97-00-00-00-P-V Dam & Appurtenant Works - Mullaperiyar Project 5,000,000
5 4700-80-005-99-02-00-00-P-V Investigation of Irrigation Schemes 22,000,000
6 4700-80-800-97-02-00-00-P-V Dam Safety Organisation & Dam Safety Measures 24,000,000
7 4701-80-800-69-00-00-00-P-V Flood Early Warning System 10,000,000
8 4701-80-800-70-00-00-00-P-V Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP PHASE II) 400,000,000
9 4701-80-800-88-00-00-00-P-V Formation of River Basin Organization 15,000,000
10 4701-80-800-96-00-00-00-P-V Post Facto Evaluation Studies 5,000,000
11 4701-80-800-99-00-34-03 Development of Kerala Engineering Research Institute - Stage II 11,000,000
  Total 533,500,000


Modernisation of Hydrology Information System

The scheme envisages modernizing of the existing Hydro-Meterological stations for collecting reliable data also establishing Real Time Data Acquistition System for collecting data in time for developing warning systems for extreme events like flood and drought. Major works proposed under this head of account is pretaining to Hydro-Meterological data collection activities and annual Manitenance Charges for Kerala WRIS Web and Mobile applications is also proposed for the next financial year 2023-24. The works such as the upkeep and maintenance of various Hydro-Meterological stations maintained under State fund, procurement of hydro-meterological equipments and renovation of data centers, and annual maintenance of Kerala WRIS website are planned under this scheme. By the implementation of this scheme, it is expected that the state will possess a hydro-metrological network of sufficient density and collect hydrological data, preferably real-time, that can aid in hydrological studies, disaster preparedness and planning. Date dissemination will be streamed via Kerala WRIS appliations.

(Outlay :205.00lakh)

Modernisation of Design Wing

The physical infrastructure plays a pivotal role in increasing a conductive atmosphere for designs to be made and submitted within most appropriate time limit. As part of modernization software procurement, provision of electronic gadgets, conduction training programmes, enhancing internet connectivity etc are planned. The scheme also envisages modernaization of quality control wing/labs under irrigation department. The quality control wing of the depaptment check the quality of works under taken by various execution divisions of the irrigation department accross the state. Hence the physical infrastructure up gradation, purchase of modern equipment for material testing labs in quality control wings also proposed. As presently full-fledged laboratories are not functioning at many sections, which makes it difficult to conduct timely inspection of works, no department vehicle is available to conduct inspections. The scheme envisages setting up of new labs and purchase of machines for material testing lab, training for the staff, hiring of vehicle, purchase of Mobile quality control unit etc. By the implementation of this scheme, it is expected through modernization of IDRB and its subordinate offices the technical skills of departmental staffs can be improved By establishing quality control laboratories, it is possible to ensure quality of works executed under the Irrigation department.

(Outlay :200.00lakh)

Dam Safety Organisation and Dam safety Measures

This amount is earmarked in the State Budget under this head of account for Urgent Civil, Mechanical and Electrical maintenance works of head works of 15 dams and four barrages viz Chimoni Dam, Kuttiyadi Dam, Pazhassi Dam, Peechi Dam, Periyar Valley Barrage, Kanjirapuzha Dam, Kallada Dam, Malampuzha Dam, Neyyar Dam, Pothundy Dam, Vazhani Dam, Pamba Barrage, Meenkara Dam, Chulliyar Dam, Walayar Dam, Mangalam Dam, Karapuzha Dam, Malankara Dam, Moolathara Barrage, and other emergency works connected with the safety of dams/ barrages, rectification of damages due to the floods, routine pre and post monsoon Dam inspections and the works recommended by Dam Safety Organisation during their inspections. Funds are being allotted for 19 dams/barrages under Irrigation Department as per the priority of maintenance works which include Civil, Mechanical and Electrical component.

For the activities under this head, an outlay of Rs. 240 lakh is provided during annual budget 2023-24.

(Outlay :240.00lakh)

Dam Safety Organisation and Dam safety Measures

This outlay is envisaged for meeting the expenses in connection with conducting state level trainings/workshops, inspection of dams, technical visits to various projects inside and outside state, membership in various academic institutions and bodies connected with dam safety, studies connected with the safety of dams of the completed projects etc

For the activities under this head, an outlay of Rs. 10 lakh is provided during annual budget 2023-24.

(Outlay :10.00lakh)

Dam & Appurtenant Works - Mullaperiyar Project

The Government have decided to construct a New dam at Mullaperiyar considering the outlived life of the dam. In this regard, The Ministry of Environment, Forecast & Climate Change, and Government of India had issued TOR of EIA study for the New Mullaperyar dam on 14.11.2018 with validity upto 4 years. The EIA study of the new Mullapriyar Dam is progressing through the consultant. M/S Pragathi Labs & Consultants Hyderabad. The draft report have been submitted by the consultant. EIA study is in final stage, the vetting progress of the report is progressing.By the implementation of this scheme, the EIA study of proposed new dam at Mullaperiyar can be completed.

(Outlay :50.00lakh)

Investigation of Irrigation Schemes

The scheme shall also be used to carry out investigation works for study and research purposes. The major works involves works like Soil investigation works, De-silation study of dams, Sedimentation study of various reservoirs etc. These Studies give critical datas for maintaining major irrigation irrigation structures and investigations for construction of new structures. The de-silation studies give an idea about the quantity and quality of sand available for extraction. From the sedimentation studies the present capacity of reservoir can be obtained and these data can be used for regulating the outflow of reservoirs. Since more number of multi-purpose water storage structures are needed to cater the rising demands of drinking water, irrigation and flushing of salinity, the scheme also envisages investigation of new irrigation projects, preparation of project reports and also for revision of project reports of all projects under the Irrigation Department. Creation of more storage structures will realize the vision of one of the goals aimed in Sustainable Development Goals, 2030 and also approach paper 14th five year plan. By the implementation of this scheme, it is expected that Financial Sanction and Administrative Sanction can be issued for Investigation works under Irrigation wing.

(Outlay :220.00lakh)

Flood Early Warning System (FEWS)

Under the World Bank funded National Hydrology Project (NHP), IDRB is developing Real Time Operation of Reservoirs integrated with flood forecasting and warning system for Periyar basin. The accuracy of the forecast depends on the density and distribution of real time hydro-met stations over a region and the quality of topographical features. During 2023-24, it is proposed to establish more Real Time Hydro-Met stations in various river basins. Locations for the installation of Automatic Rain Gauges and Automatic Water Level Recorders in Periyar and Chalakkudy basins have been finalised after feasilbility study of installing real time stations. Request has been submitted to Government for sanction for entrusting the work to Electronics wing of Public Works Department (PWD) as Deposit Work. This work is expected to be completed in 2022-23. The scheme includes procurement of Real time hydro-meterological stations for the establishment of Flood Forecasting and Early Warning System for river basins and Annual Manitenance for the Realtime Stations proposed to be installed in Periyar and Chalakkudy Basins. By the implementation of this scheme it is expected that the state will enhance the predictive capability of the Flood Early Warning Systems.

(Outlay :10.00lakh)

Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project DRIP Phase II

DRIP is an Externally Aided Project aimed to improve the safety and operational performance of dams and associated appurtenances of Irrigation Department along with institutional strengthening. DRIP Phase I started in 2012 with World Bank assistance was closed by March 2021. The funding pattern of 80:20 (80% World Bank loan and 20% state share) was later revised to 70:30. The sixteen dams included were Malampuzha Dam, Neyyar Dam, Peechi Dam, Walayar Dam, Kuttiyadi Dam, Kanjirapuzha Dam, Chimoni Dam, Malankara Dam, Kallada Dam, Pothundy Dam, Vazhani Dam, Meenkara Dam, Chulliyar Dam, Pazhassi Barrage, Bhoothathankettu Barrage (Periyar Valley Irrigation Project), Moolathara Regulator and associated appurtenances of Irrigation Department. The major achievements of DRIP Phase I were completion of rehabilitation works including civil, mechanical and electrical work of 13 dams, hydro mechanical renovation works of dams which helped to facilitate shutter operation in a better way during floods 2018 & 2019, reduction of seepage problems in dams, construction of Control rooms & Inspection Bungalow.

(Outlay :4000.00lakh)


Government of India has initiated next phases, DRIP Phase II and Phase III of the project co- financed by International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) & Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). The duration of Project is ten years, to be implemented in two Phases, each of six years’ duration with two years overlapping. The funding pattern is 70:30 (70% loan and 30% State share).

DRIP Phase II (2021-27)

Administrative Sanction was accorded by Government of Kerala for Rs 240 Crores vide G.O.(Rt)No.481/2020/WRD dated 22/07/2020 under the head of account 4701-80-800-70(P) for the components namely Rehabilitation works, Institutional strengthening, Tourism and Project Management. Loan Agreement & Project Agreement with IBRD was signed on 04.08.2021 and came into effect on 12/10/2021. Loan Agreement & Project Agreement with AIIB was signed on 19.05.2022 and came into effect on 29/12/2022. The funding pattern is 70:30 (70% World Bank loan and 30% state share). Rehabilitation of selected 15 dams/barrages viz. Malampuzha, Neyyar, Walayar, Kuttiyadi, Kanjirapuzha, Malankara, Kallada, Pothundy, Meenkara, Chulliyar, Pazhassi, Bhoothathankettu Barrage, Maniyar Barrage, Karapuzha and Mangalam are included in DRIP Phase II. Further, spillover works of DRIP Phase I such as rehabilitation works of 3 dams viz. Kallada, Neyyar and Peechi, and construction of Dam Safety Headquarters were also spilled over to DRIP Phase II and completed. Instrumentation of 16 dams initiated under Phase I is still ongoing.

For the activities under DRIP Phase II, an outlay of Rs. 4000.00 lakh is provided during annual budget 2023-24.