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Grievance Redressal for DRIP

Any grievances related with works of "Dam Rehabitation and Improvement Project" (DRIP) for KWRD may be addressed to:

at SPMU level:

Smt. Sreedevi P

Project Director, SPMU, DRIP

Officer of the Chief Engineer (I&D), IDRB Third Floor , Vikas Bhavan Thiruvananthapuram, 695033

Phone No: 0471-2784001 , 0471-2784002

at field level:

1. Smt. Shameena S, Executive Engineer,

Nodal Officer at the Office of Chief Engineer Project II

Phone Number : 0471 - 2324394

2. Smt. Preethy P H, Executive Engineer,

Nodal Officer at the Office of Chief Engineer Project I

Phone Number : 0495 - 2385595